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For many public corporations, employee stock options have subject to tax in Canada in respect of the option benefit; and (v) the employer of the and designing any amendments to equity-based incentive programs which.

Theta addresses the inevitable loss in value that options experience as time passes. If you buy an option, your theta value is negative.

What is Theta Decay (aka Why Am I Melting?)

Theta decay is one of the few consistencies that option traders can rely on. Long options lose time value as they near their expiration date. All else equal, the rate of theta decay accelerates the closer you get to contract expiration. Take a look at the option chain in figure 1. Want your layout to display differently?

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  1. Option Moneyness - ITM, OTM & ATM Options Trading?
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  4. Neutral Option Strategies?

How much is an option expected to lose on a daily basis due to time decay? Check the theta in the option chain. For example, the That makes sense because the further out of the money the option is, the less value there is to decay.

Targeting Theta in Your Options Trading? Consider These 3 Strategies

The value of an option is broken down into two components: intrinsic value and extrinsic value. Intrinsic value is the difference between the stock price and strike price of an ITM option. Extrinsic value is the difference between the options premium and the intrinsic value. At expiration, an option has no extrinsic value. Some options strategies seek to take advantage of the passage of time. Each has its own objectives—and its own set of risks.

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  4. Buy OTM Or ATM Options With The Outlook That It Will Eventually Become Deep ITM Options?

Make sure you understand them before jumping in. ATM options have the highest rate of decay all else equal. Also, shorter-term options decay faster than longer-term options again, all else equal. This rate of options decay speeds up as an option gets closer to expiration. A call vertical spread is made up of two call options; a put vertical is made up of two put options.

Vertical spreads have a directional bias in the underlying stock—a call vertical is bearish, and a put vertical is bullish see figure 2. Vertically challenged and would like more info?

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Note the points of maximum profit and maximum loss to see the directional bias. For illustrative purposes only. An iron condor is a four-legged spread made up of a short OTM call vertical spread and a short OTM put vertical spread in the same expiration cycle. Typically both vertical spreads are OTM and centered around the current price of the underlying.

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Similar to a single vertical spread, the risk is determined by the distance between the strikes of the vertical. But unlike the vertical spreads themselves, the directional bias of an iron condor is neutral see figure 3. In the best-case scenario, the price of the underlying stays between the two short strikes through expiration, and both vertical spreads expire worthless.

Option Moneyness – ITM, OTM & ATM Options

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Option Trading Tip - Buy Deep In-The-Money Options

To what extent does the change in the volatility impact the value of a Put option? To what extent does the change in the volatility impact the value of a put option? If the volatility decreases, does it impact all put options similarly, especially with focus on deep OTM and deep ITM put options?