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Stochastic processes for market index and stock returns under P measure. In the CreditVaR framework correlations between stock returns are derived from the index return correlations using multi-beta model This is linear regression model that represents stock returns as linear combinations of index returns and stock specific idiosyncratic components. Then index set I can be reduced to subset IT on [f.

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Indeed from 13, 16 follows that. Equations 2. Credit migration model under probability measure P. From the Assumption it follows that joint migration process for obligors can be defined using a joint probability distribution of their normalized stock returns Indeed, suppose that. Stochastic processes for index and stock returns under Q measure. In this section we derive stochastic differential equations for the index and stock returns under the martingale probability measure O. In the matrix form:.

We assume that solution r, of. Similar to 15 , 18 one computes index and stock log-returns from 41 , 42 for the time. In section 3 we defined the relationship between credit migration events and movements of the normalized stock returns This allows to compute probabilities of credit migrations for different credit classes under the 0 measure 5?

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Then probability under O measure for obligors S S 2 , From equations 49 , 5. Similar to 36 for the 0 probability of joint migrations we have. Construction of transition matrix under O -measure over risk horizon. In this section we suggest, as an application of the theory developed in earlier sections, a. The matrix obtained this way will be used in subsequent sections The main point here is that of implementation issue In practice, the differences between.

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Below, we make a modification to the given P transition matrix and then apply the theory to. K Thus, by construction, the last column of T' fits exactly the given. In summary, a suitable ad ustment is made to the given P transition matrix such that its last. In this section, we suggest an algorithm that builds a series of transition matrices matching the given term structure of default probabilities over various maturities Throughout this. Recall that for each obligor S" eS we assume that its credit migration process observed at.

M ' can have negative entries However if these vectors satisfy. We wish to construct certain series of J transition matrices. We shall produce Z,'s recursively At each stage, we aim to keep the. The key point about the construction is that the series of transition matrices built up this way.

Joint process under 0 on T and application to pricing of credit swaps. In the previous section, we have built series of Q transition matrices on standard observation. For this, it is sufficient to describe it for single processes, for then the joint migration Markov.

We summarize various constructions made thus tar Starting with a P transition matrix on. Application: We indicate how the constructed series of 0 transition matrices can be used in. The price of a credit swap can be computed as the expected value, under O -measure, of the. The price of the contingent claim is the expected discounted cashflows under the risk neutral pricing measure 0 It is equal to.

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Given a term structure of interest rates, the risk free discounting, d r f L , of cashflows f h can. Let 0 be the current time and h be the risk horizon Let y t,T be the continuously. Note that T is the. Our first objective is to generate samples of y, which are correlated within itself, spreads, FX rates and equity returns Note that there is a vector y for each currency We dropped the subscript for currency to avoid heavy notation Consider the forward rates seen at h,. Written in matrix forms,. To simulate the state of zero rates at time h in the future risk horizon , we first generate a.

Credit spread , t, for the highest credit rating for typically Aaa and for maturity. The corporate zero curves at risk horizon are obtained by adding the appropriate spread to the base curves. The FX rates at risk horizon are assumed to be lognormally distributed. Statistics contain means and standard deviations for some risk factors forward rates, spreads, FX rates and the covariance matrix of all the risk factors including industry indices. Information about financial positions is organized into portfolios of exposures It covers different types of instruments such as fixed income instruments, loans, commitments, letters of credit, etc.

Statistics contain means and standard deviations for some risk factors forward rates, spreads,. FX rates and the covariance matrix of all the risk factors including industry indices. I On the portfolio level, the following quantities are calculated. Present value and Forward value of the portfolio at risk horizon. Distribution of the portfolio value at risk horizon and its mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. On the instrument level, the following is calculated and reported.

Present value and Forward value of the instrument at risk horizon. Mean and Standard Deviation of the instrument value at risk horizon. Marginal Standard Deviation and Delta-Standard Deviation see below of the instrument for a given portfolio. Optionally Standalone Value-at-Risk numbers at various percentile levels.

Delta-Standard Deviation of instrument 5. Credit Migration Model. First, the engine prepares the necessary data for simulation Threshold levels of standardized asset returns representing credit rating changes are determined for each obligor in the portfolio using the transition probabilities, this part depends only on the obligor ' s credit class and not on the obligor itself Relevant data is read from the database and is stored in the appropriate data structures in memory.

The scenarios are generated based on the covariance matrix and other statistics of the risk factors that are relevant for a particular portfolio Each scenario is composed of the base curve part, spread curve part, FX part and credit migration part. For each of these scenarios, portfolio has to be revalued In CreditVaR I model it was done quickly using pre-processed prices of instrument CreditVaR II does full revaluation of the portfolio, without cash flow bucketing or any portfolio compression, based on the set of generated risk factors Each time a default occurs in scenario, i e , when the sampled asset return value of an obligor is below the default threshold level, a random recovery rate is generated according to a beta-distribution whose defining parameters are governed by seniority associated to the obligor's instruments Finally, we obtain a distribution of portfolio values and from it the relevant risk statistics 7.

It is noted that those skilled in the art will appreciate that various modifications of detail may be made to the preferred embodiments described throughout this specification which modifications would come within the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the following claims. P, j I,,', - transition probability from credit class R to credit class R. Multiplying cash flow for each payment date bv a risk-free discount factor and by probability contained in the second series and summing the computed series for all payment dates, and.

USP true USA true EPA2 en. AUA en. CAA1 en. WOA2 en. USB2 en. Timing estimations for application lifecycle management work items determined through machine learning. WOA8 en. Glasserman et al. Duffie et al. Andersen et al. Measurement of risk, solvency requirements and allocation of capital within financial conglomerates.

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USA en. Bliss et al. Lehar et al. Ep: the epo has been informed by wipo that ep was designated in this application. Request for preliminary examination filed prior to expiration of 19th month from priority date pct application filed before Ref document number : Country of ref document : EP. Maximum limit given is in accordance with the needs while still considering prevailing provisions regarding the Legal Lending Limit BMPK. Credit facility to finance current assets or company operational activities in accordance with debit business.

Various types of working capital loans that bank bjb provides are as follows:. Loan facility to finance working capital requirements in financing companies, Venture Capital Companies and Infrastructure Financing Companies. Loan facility to finance working capital needs in commodity trading business, and withdrawals are based on Warehouse Receipts that issued by warehouse managers. Collateral issued by the Bank to pay the Recipient of Guarantee if the guarantee breached the contract. Product features provided are bank guarantees in rupiah and foreign currencies, with maximum period of 3 three years and guarantee in the form of cash collateral, contra guarantee or credit facility.

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