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That is why we follow trends.

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Whatever the price is doing is what we want to do. Trend following redefined from Michael Gibbons who was one of the founders of stock index arbitrage and modern financial hedging techniques. Gibbons' Trend Trading Method is a long term trading system that successfully trades every liquid market.

Because of its unique structure, it outperforms traditional trend following methods by a wide margin. The Gibbons' Trend Publication is sent to subscribers every Saturday morning via email. In addition, unlike other financial information writers that have a fixed publication schedule, we publish whenever the markets tell us to act.

All new trades are sent to subscribers the night before action needs to be taken. Because of the real-time track record, the Gibbons' Trend Publication is not inexpensive. Our clients are willing to pay for the edge we provide on a consistent basis.

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Our subscribers include large traders, banks, forex dealers, hedge funds, brokers, futures funds, insurance companies, risk management firms, and many institutional money managers. Gibbons' Trend employs an extremely accurate market timing component which is the key to large profits. No arbitrary profit targets are ever used- we let the market tell us when to take profits. There is no such thing as a totally efficient market and armed with this reality, we take advantage of it trade after trade.

The vast majority of trends last far longer than anyone thinks possible. Because of this, we capitalize on extended direction and duration in all the markets we trade. It is also where all of the big money is made. How To Subscribe. If you have questions or want to subscribe, click on the link below and fill out the form and we will get back to you immediately. That is, the EMH is based on a false premise that investors are rational.

It is precisely because investors are irrational that trends last for much longer than any rational person could reasonably expect. You cannot explain away bubble periods in markets as just an aberration. The presence of large emotionally driven swings in markets gives trend followers an opportunity for large profits. You should make your own trading decisions. You should note that those that have traded successfully over very long periods of time are very few in number.

I know some very rich traders, but no rich analysts. There are no market gurus. Good traders take advantage of high probability trades and capitalize on direction and duration.

Welcome to Bubba Trading

Beware of all self-proclaimed or self-anointed gurus. Most of them are net losers in the markets. One of the biggest mistakes the vast majority of investors and traders make is to hold to the premise that you have to be able to forecast to make money in the markets.

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  4. That is why "forecasting" services and predictions are so popular. People attempting to tell you for a price like a fortune teller what the best stocks are to hold for the future, what a stock will do a year from now, or if gold will be higher or lower in two years. Gurus galore and they tell you with great hubris how they have a special connection to the future.

    The reality is, no one can predict or forecast markets with any consistency over long periods of time. Fortune tellers make predictions as do most investors.

    Bubba Trading – Trading Investing Markets

    What they don't get is that no one can predict or know the future. Trend following is about reacting to the now situation and thus we never attempt to pick tops and bottoms. Black swans are much more common than most people think, and fat tails are where we make a lot of our profit.

    Gibbons' Trend has been on the right side of every major market move in history. It has done that because it automatically adjusts and changes course if need be to mirror the market and cannot miss a move because of its very construction. Of course trend following is not popular despite its highly profitable track record.

    There would be no need for fundamental analysis and no need for any financial media other than to report on results. Logically, trend followers receive almost no media coverage. Now, why would that be? Web Hosting by Yahoo! Andrew Hecht Partner. Andrew Hecht is a leading columnist at Seeking Alpha. Michael Gibbons Partner.

    Michael Gibbons has been involved in trading since Welcome to Bubba Trading. Spotify Acquires Sports-Talk App. Gold is Like a Nightmare. Gold and Silver Under Pressure. Media Appearances.