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FREE U. Page 1 of 1. Java can still work miracles, but after 20 years has accumulated some baggage and is moving slowly. Julian Gamble, author of Clojure Recipes , advocates a more modern option that takes advantage of what we've learned in the last two decades, combined with the rich heritage of functional programming.


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REPL Driven Development, Clojure's Superpower (by Sean Corfield)

You can get info on Software Testing Class as well with some guidelines with different way of thinking. Is your profile up-to-date? Please take a moment to review and update. May 6th Webinar - Save Your Seat. Like Bookmarks. View Presentation Vertical Horizontal Full. Speed: 1x 1. Download MP3 Slides. Summary Bill Caputo discusses adopting continuous testing for Clojure, what are the goals of such a practice, how it differs from other languages, practical considerations tools, setup and a demonstration.

Recorded at:. Its technically very cool that core.

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Also, I've had exceptions thrown by core. That was not fun to debug. Don't get me wrong, macros do have their place: hugsql uses macros to parse the SQL file and generate functions for you, which is awesome! But for every great macro-based library, there are many more that I wish didn't use macros. This is user-facing macros in a libraries' API. I have no problem with using macros internally I do love Clojure overall, though. I do agree that you should prefer functions over macros.

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But having that option is better than not having the option at all IMHO. Absolutely, I even mentioned some cases where I felt they were used to great effect. For example, the issues I mentioned with core. I agree! When I meet a girl, I ask her about macros and functions first.

PopeDotNinja on Aug 24, [—]. Ever play with Erlang or Elixir? If yes, I am curious what your thoughts are on them. I've been doing a lot of Elixir recently, and I have a fair amount of experience with Scheme and Clojure. The biggest "aha" moment for me with Elixir came when I realized that everything, just like in a LISP, was an expression. Yes, Elixir would be my second choice but although it has Lisp influences it doesn't capture the real magic of Lisp for me.

Code as data belongs exclusively to real Lisps. Elixir also lacks vectors of its own and tends to be too niche compared with Clojure. Let's say F versus Clojure? One of the general arguments in Lisp vs the world is that lisp is more concise. F is really concise. It has datastructures as intrinsic part of the language syntax just like Clojure, i. Furthermore, the type inferences concierges the developer through the regular bureaucracy involved with strong type systems so effortlessly that you seldom notice it Ok, so for the sake of the argument, let's say the syntax is equally light for F and Clojure, and their support for immutability is in the same ballpark.

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And let's remove the argument "a type system is an encumbrance" because that will only lead to situation specific debates - one side will say that massive refactorings are a pita without types, and the other side responds that in Clojure you can use data schemas and should have unit tests anyway. And those discussions never lead anywhere conclusive. So, besides the above mentioned topics, is there anything general one can say of the distinctive advantages of these two languages in specific situations, including how their two different ecosystems and runtimes affect the calculus?

I suppose it's extremely rare to have experts who have participated in any large scale industrial developments with both of the languages, but if there are, it would be really nice to hear their opinion. And the things I listed as "outside of the discussion" might actually be critical, who knows I decided not to use Clojure again because it's not statically typed, and my number one frustration when I coded in the CircleCI codebase was that it was very very hard to know what shape a value had, and whether it could be null.