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Chandler AD Corporate strategy, structure and control methods in the United States during the 20th century. Ind Corp Change 1 2 — Chasserio S, Botte S Transforming corporate headquarters: a case study of a collaborative journey. J Organ Des 9 9 :1— Strateg Manag J 40 11 — Coase RH The nature of the firm. Economica New Ser 4 16 — Glob Strategy J 6 2 — Collis DJ International strategy: context, concepts and implications.

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Describe the Three Levels of Strategy for a Single-Business Company

J Organ Des 8 16 :1— Rev Finan Stud 22 3 — J Polit Econ 6 — Harvard University Press, Cambridge. J Organ Des 8 12 :1— March JG Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. Organ Sci 2 1 — Markides CC Corporate strategy: the role of the centre. Sage Publications, London, pp 98— Matolcsy Z, Wakefield J Multinational headquarter control of wholly owned foreign subsidiaries. Br Account Rev 49 3 — Acad Manag Discov 6 1 :8— McGrath RG The end of competitive advantage: how to keep your strategy moving as fast as your business.

Harvard Business School Publishing, Boston. Strateg Manag J 38 1 — McKinsey Global Institute Urban world: the shifting global business landscape.

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Mintzberg H The structuring of organizations: a synthesis of the research. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. Morikawa M Are large headquarters unproductive? J Econ Behav Organ — J Mark 75 1 — Harvard Bus Rev 90 4 — Strateg Manag J 34 9 — Nell PC, Kappen P, Laamanen T Reconceptualising hierarchies: the disaggregation and dispersion of headquarters in multinational corporations. J Manag Stud 54 8 — Nohria N, Ghoshal S Differentiated fit and shared values: alternatives for managing headquarters-subsidiary relations. Strateg Manag J 15 6 — Nyberg D, Wright C in press Climate-proofing management research.

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