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For many public corporations, employee stock options have subject to tax in Canada in respect of the option benefit; and (v) the employer of the and designing any amendments to equity-based incentive programs which.

Not sure if this applies to what I see. No child down the line outlives its parent. All children potentially write output. Yet, the parent hangs on WaitForExit. Related API proposal: I mean you don't want grand children keeping standard output open even if they don't actively write to it.

VB.NET - use .WaitForExit() are unable to show progress bar?

If the child and everything down the line has exited, WaitForExit should return. Are you running in a container? Can you reproduce this? WaitForExit can be quirky in containers when there is no init process. The init process reaps orphaned child processes. You can add one with docker run by adding an --init argument. I have the exact same issue on Linux that repeats when a native daemon is running my. NET Core 3. From htop I can see that the child exits, shows quickly as a Zombie and then goes away, so it looks like.

NET Core is closing the handle, but somehow ignoring that it exited. Also, the same code works fine if executed on command-line OR under Mono 6. Platform is Raspberry Pi 4 armv7.

Since you are not redirecting streams, the root cause is different. Can you create a new issue? Skip to content. New issue.

Process.Start .WaitForExit long pause on one single platform only?

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  • Process.WaitForExit and .Exited event aren’t working??

Milestone Future. Copy link. WriteLine e. Data ; process2. Start ; process2. BeginOutputReadLine ; process2. WriteLine "Launching process3.

Your Answer

Start ; process3. Actual Behavior WaitForExit never returns. Collaborator Author. Is there a workaround for this?

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  • Re: VB.NET - use .WaitForExit() are unable to show progress bar?.
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Am I reading this right? I must redirect the output of any process launched down the chain?

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Doesn't sound quite right to me. Understood, but I'm not concerned with distinguishing the outputs here. I'm not concerned with distinguishing the outputs here I mean you don't want grand children keeping standard output open even if they don't actively write to it. I've moved away to a different arrangement, but if I get some time I'll try to reproduce again.

Yes WaitForExit can be quirky in containers when there is no init process. Start While Not Process.

- How to use rExit - Stack Overflow

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