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For many public corporations, employee stock options have subject to tax in Canada in respect of the option benefit; and (v) the employer of the and designing any amendments to equity-based incentive programs which.

The Philippine Bureau of Customs BOC monitors the entry of goods into the country and uses a selection system to determine the appropriate clearance channel of imports. Shipments classified:. Drugs must be labelled with the product's generic name and must appear above the brand name, in a larger typeface, enclosed in a border with a contrasting background. Failure to comply with any part of the above regulations is subject to penalty.

Goods not bearing adequate marks of origin are subject to a marking duty of five per cent. Packing should be secure and guard against tropical dampness and heat. Contents should not be indicated on outer containers. The use of rice, straw and chaff is prohibited.

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Excluding shipments of over barrels or cases, all packages and cases in each shipment must be numbered consecutively. Animals and animal products of cattle, sheep, swine and goats require a certificate of ante- and post-mortem inspection. Imports of livestock, meat and meat products, plants and plant products must be accompanied by health certificates issued by the approved authority in the country of origin. In Australia this is usually the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources or relevant state department of agriculture.

A SPS certificate, issued by the approved authority in the country of origin, accompanying imports of plants and plant products, must be forwarded to the plant quarantine authorities at the port of entry. Food, drugs, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics require certification that the items comply with Philippine specifications. Insecticides, Paris greens, lead arsenates and fungicides require a declaration by the manufacturer or shipper that the goods are not falsely labelled and are not dangerous to health.

Chemicals and chemical products must be accompanied by a certificate indicating the specific chemical name.

Economic Data & Reports | U.S. Embassy in the Philippines

Trade names should also be included. The Philippine Food Fortification Law requires that all staple foods such as rice, sugar, flour, salt and cooking oil — be fortified and has identified Vitamin A, iron and iodine as the three most needed micronutrients in the country. The law aims to provide 50 per cent or more of the recommended daily allowance RDA of Vitamin A and iron among at risk groups, particularly children below six years old and women of reproductive age.

This law applies to all manufacturers or producers, importers, traders, tollees, retailers, repackers of staple foods as well as restaurants and food service establishments. Sanctions for non-compliance include fines of not more than P1 million and revocation of permits and licenses depending on the gravity of the offense.

Essences, flavouring extracts and other preparations containing distilled spirits ethyl alcohol require a certificate giving the source and percentage content of the alcohol used in the manufacture. Product registration with the FDA can take anywhere from three to six months, provided documentation is complete. Certificates of Free sale are required for registering products with the FDA. It should be issued by a responsible government authority in the exporting country stating that the products are sold freely in that country and must be legalised by the Philippine Embassy or consulate.

BB 2012-04-16 WTO Trade Policy Review: The Philippines

Export entry is to be submitted only when specified in the letter of credit. If so specified, five copies are required. Terms of payment are usually stipulated through letters of credit. Note: Mail between Australia and the Philippines may be occasionally subject to delay and exporters should ensure that certification and dispatch by air mail of all documents is given the highest priority.

Three copies are required and must bear the following signed declaration: 'All the information contained herein is correct. The value At least three signed negotiable and five non-negotiable copies are required. One negotiable and four non-negotiable bills are to be included with the original documents.

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One negotiable copy stamped 'For consular purposes only' together with one non-negotiable copy are to be presented to the Consulate. The bill of lading must show gross weights, quantity and volume in kilograms , freight and other charges. The Complexity-Relatedness diagram compares the risk and the strategic value of a country's potential export oppotunities. Relatedness is a predictive of the probability that a country increases its exports in a product. Complexity, is associated with higher levels of income, economic growth, less income inequality, and lower emissions.

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