I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is serious about swing trading. And every single one of those lessons transfer directly to the markets outside the US that I trade. I could not say exactly how many R multiples all those lessons learned have saved me on the downside. I could not say either exactly how many more R I will make on the upside.
I can say that I have doubled my trading returns already as a result of doing this course. The course was a key part of my trading success that I did not know was missing. Ken's lessons are really instructive, and he shows how he trades and manages positions.
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That is phenomenally helpful. It is great to see a master trader at work, and Ken shows every detail of that in this workshop which is well-organized. The coursework is very thorough, the homework is a nice progression through the material, and everyone partnered up with a team so that we can learn jointly. He has provided a wealth of highly useful information, insights and support — far more than I have experienced at other trading events. He uses a combination of statistical analysis, proven trading systems, strategies, techniques, and tips accumulated over decades of work and input from a diverse group of traders.
He also guides people through the emotional and cognitive elements of self-discovery and self-mastery. Invaluable, for anyone embarking on a similar journey, Ken is a unique and highly valuable resource, a dedicated teacher, a wonderful mentor and one of the most generous human beings I know.
What's more, I now have a series of accurate measures to help me refine my trading to the point where I can demonstrate true mastery and above average results. I cannot ask for more. Jeremy K, Brisbane Australia. As Van urges traders to watch the big picture and describe the market character with some classification system, Ken has such a system that he will teach at the workshop. He monitors a handful of standard and homegrown statistics to help him interpret the market and consider possible scenarios.
He will describe both the calculation of the homegrown statistics and the usage of them so that the workshop traders understand them as well as can consider how to adapt them for their use if they like. Even though this is a technical workshop and not a Peak Performance event, Ken will talk a lot about what he does and what you can do to help yourself generate better results through various strategies.
One of the most effective self-development strategies Ken uses personally and many of his chat room traders also follow is to keep a learning journal. A learning journal follows a specific format that was developed by leaders in the area of adult learning theory. The format and process employ some simple steps that better integrate your experiences, reflections, and follow-up plans than anything else available right now. Ken will go over some strategies he uses to manage his mental state and trade from the zero state.
Ken Long started investing in mutual funds in the s but has grown over the last fifteen years into an outstanding big-picture thinker and tactical trader. He has also evolved his strategies over the years and teaches his latest advancements in this workshop. When Ken Long first attended my Systems Development workshop in the mids and submitted his objectives to me, I thought to myself, "Someone from the Army is going to apply this material?
Then, as Ken started developing a successful trading system, he started teaching his workshops for VTI. Ken is one of the few people I know who has a graduate degree in systems design and a doctorate in management with a dissertation on making decisions under uncertain conditions. Because of his academic training, military background and vast market experience, Ken spots trading ideas that most people would never think of. For example, when Ken attended our systems workshop and learned about the complex training game we were playing, he developed a procedure for strategizing about the game that I now teach in that same workshop.
He is that good! Ken is one of our best instructors mainly because he treats his trading and teaching the way he treats his martial arts, his soccer coaching and life in general: he pursues excellence to the point of mastery. Ken is a thinker, philosopher, tinkerer, and leader.
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He applies what he learned to everything he does and therefore gets more done each day than anyone I know. I struggle to find the right words to express the gratitude I feel for you and what you have shared with me.
- Create Your Own Trading Strategies.
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You are what I call a "life-changer" — someone who emits high, positive energy, and who is willing to share his expert knowledge and energy for the betterment of those he comes in contact with. Thank you for sharing with me. I believe the right thing for me to do is to pay it forward, and so I am. I continue to learn and grow in life through trading. I appreciate this trade for what it is and how it makes me feel, and now it is time to prepare for the next one.
Follow the rules and enjoy the process — the rest is MATH I would have never known any of this without reading Van's books, taking your at-home courses, and subscribing to your newsletter for the past years. So my deepest thanks to all of you guys for what you are doing.
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Keep up the great work, and hope all is well with you. Once you are back home and studying or trading the systems you learned at the workshop; inevitably you will come up with some important questions. In these online sessions, Ken interacts with the participants by sharing ideas and answering questions. Also, Ken will host three coaching calls following the workshops, approximately one per month and if you cannot make a session, you can watch the recording when it is convenient for you. We have received these questions from clients and would like to share them with you in case you have similar ones:.
Also, I will teach three other trading systems. I will also teach some trading strategies — robust ideas with an edge that you could easily turn into fully developed systems. A: The systems are designed for equity indices, ETFs, futures, and individual stocks, however, there is a growing body of evidence that suggests the systems may be effectively applied to Forex pairs and Forex pairs futures. A: The systems do not require active management during open market hours — although that can help improve performance. Pre-set orders can be entered in the evenings or mornings outside of market hours.
A: The RL framework has adaptive parameters that frame decisions and opportunities consistently across all market types. I make that statement given the particular methods I use to describe market conditions, but I believe the statement to be fair given what we mean by market classification.
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A: Special software or any software, no. Otherwise, none required. Any full featured charting package and most brokerage platforms will have the simple indicators we apply to create the framework, which is our particular way of describing market conditions and price action.

A: That depends on some factors — your objectives, your strategies, your beliefs, etc. My beliefs: risk per trade would range from. I favor trading at the minimum risk per trade that remains acceptably cost-effective.
A : These are fully articulated in the systems definitions provided in the workshop, and they are exercised daily in our chat room. I have found, however, that it is easier for people to believe they have understood the beliefs rationally than it has been for them actually to put the beliefs into practice.
I appreciate this question because I have not ever put that idea into those exact words, but I now recognize just how true and important that insight is. A: We require that attendees at this workshop have some swing trading experience and understand the various uses of the market, stop, and limit orders. Without some previous trading experience, you will likely be frustrated by the pace of the course and likely be unable to realize the full value of the workshop.
A: Customer satisfaction has always been important to the Van Tharp Institute, and we would much rather have an empty classroom seat than an unsatisfied client. Realistically, however, we do not worry about that because Ken Long has always delivered outstanding workshop value. Requests for a refund at one of his workshops have been exceedingly rare.
Due to the length of the workshop we do not offer refunds. But if timing is the issue you can move your registration to another quarter. In this series of videos, Ken goes through a list of swing trade candidates and open swing positions. Each of the videos is about 15 minutes long, and for those interested in watching the series, it presents a continuous and progressive view of how Ken pursues an adaptive system approach to swing trading. Swing portfolio update March 13, Swing portfolio update March 20, Swing portfolio update March 27, Swing portfolio update April 3, But the pace of the new quarterly format allows newer traders to keep pace with less experience.
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Create Your Own Trading Strategies
Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Adaptive Swing Trading Systems. Be the first to review this product. In stock. Add to Cart. Add to Compare. Which kind of rule parameters works better, adaptive or mechanical? Am I required to take any other course or workshop before this one?
The Case For Adaptive Systems: In this 4 minute video, Ken discusses the challenging market conditions for swing trading systems in the second half and the first half of various years. Click here to view the video Regression Lines — An Adaptive Framework: For years, Ken has been looking at regression lines to help him understand the broader trends in the market.
Past Students Said Grossbard, AU Very good course. Hee, Malaysia I love Ken and his approach and enthusiasm. Cooper, Canada Best aspect or take away from Ken's first group of students from the course: The follow-up webinars to check my learning progress and catch many of the topics Ken does not have time to cover in class.
The effective way this course was taught. I got it and retained a lot the information. Difference between execution stops and position sizing stop. Understanding patterns. Insights into market mosaic and risk index. Structured thinking in developing the system. It opened many doors for my conceptional thinking about trading. Cost of certainty.